Okay, men. This may not be very interesting to you because I'm going to write about purses. That's right. Those mysterious items that women carry around that men are afraid to touch, to carry, to reach into... YIKES!! WHAT WAS THAT?!! THERE'S SOMETHING SLIMY IN THERE!!
Then again, reading about a woman's purse habits could be fascinating to you, the way Jane Goodall might feel watching the gathering habits of the Silverback Gorilla... Or, you could be one of those European types that carries a "man purse." (To each his own, I say.)
Anyway, for those of us single moms, harried moms, or just plain disorganized women (or men) the world over, here's my advice to keep at least one part of your life a tad more sane: DO NOT CARRY A LARGE PURSE.
"WHAT?" you say. "If you are busy and have lots of things to do, wouldn't it be the reverse? Shouldn't it be the BIGGER, the BETTER?!!" (Some of the men are getting interested again). When it comes to purses, bigger is NOT better for the perpetually scatterbrained.
Why Your Big Purse is a Big Disaster
Unless you are Mary Poppins ("practically perfect in every way") and can extract bedroom furniture from your carpet bag with ease, your BIG PURSE has probably become a BIG BLACK HOLE for all things unholy and forgotten.
(If you ARE like Mary Poppins, you shouldn't be reading this, you should be doing something helpful like teaching children how to talk to penguins.)
First Step: Take an Iventory of Your Portable Black Hole

WHAT is in your big purse?? Look inside it now, and be honest.
My mother is a die-hard large purse carrier, and I would bet money that in her purse right now there are: candy wrappers, mints, used tissues, a ridiculous number of lipstick tubes, multiple coupons and offers, half of her makeup collection, some cheese crackers, an entire manicure kit, a brush, a mini pad, maybe five writing pens, some eye glasses, slips of paper with random phone numbers, and four hair implements (a couple of scrunchies and a large clip).
But the apple does not far far from the tree, as the saying goes. Before I reformed myself and bought a cute and efficient small bag, things could get quite dangerous in my large purse. There were: barretts, forgotten lipstick tubes, pens and pencils, cub scout badges, loose change, nail polish, CDs, feminine products, children's toys, two checkbooks, bills, sewing needles (OUCH), and some camping items (a compass, a thermometer).
Gerta Has Better Things to do Than to Repair Your Purse
It was a lined leather purse, and the satin lining had ripped (along with one of the inside pockets), due to the presence of sharp objects (pens, needles, the cuticle tool). Things would slip between the lining and the leather, and make it more difficult for me to retrieve them. I once took it to Gerta, our town seamstress, and she sewed half of the purse and missed the lining on the other side. To be fair, she was doing me a favor at the last minute and really just wanted to hop on her motorcycle and begin her half day of freedom.
The point being: With a smallish purse, I now KNOW what is in there!! There is a finite amount of space in a small purse, and you have to clean it out frequently. There is no hiding items in a small purse. They can be flushed out and dealt with. You must pick and choose what you put in your small purse. No throwing in your lunch at the last minute, no toting around a magazine that you may or may not read.
Valuable Lesson Learned: When it comes to purses, bigger is NOT better for the perpetually scatterbrained. In a smallish purse, your electric bill and slips of notes keep popping up like bad pennies. You will be forced to deal with your issues. Reform yourself, and go get a smaller purse. You will feel together and sophisticated, and you won't have your electricity cut off.
Purse pictured above by Rosie Ro. Too big for me, but cute.
HA! I'm staring at my black hole now and thinking why the hell did I buy it! There is definitely a need to find the right size purse. There are too small purses and too big purses. I prefer an in the middle purse that will hold more than a small one, but can't hide important stuff. i.e. lipstick, lipgloss, hairbands, bobbie pins, 3 check books!, Wallet for used gift cards and over the limit credit cards and no cash (well, maybe a dollar or two), three sets of keys (half of which I've no clue what they go to), halls cough drops, nasal spray, tissues (clean/maybe some used). Yes I do fit all this amazing stuff into a medium size purse because I can't fit it into a pocket!!!!!
I should say that my small purse is really kind of on the bigger end of a small...! It's amazing how much leather will stretch too... It really has helped me keep the clutter down though! I clean it out because it's frustrating not to be able to actually get to anything if it's too stuffed!
Have the purse in the Black Hole at all times, so you're happy. But, take it out at clubs.
Does a guy hafta solve everything?
Hmm, sounds like mcodojo carries a "murse"! He must also think we're 20 he he he (Well, that sounds fine to me - 20 I am!) Now where did I put that oil of Olay anti-aging cream? I know! It's lost in that damn black hole!!!!
Well you got me in the pocketbook - not financially but truthfully! Since I never made it past Brownies' I have displayed this chronic urge to become the girl scout I wasn't and "always be prepared" for whatever. The nail clip and Dad's old pen knife showed up after the Gulf War Crises! I mean I have to defend myself! Anyway, don't look in my refrigerator either - decayed food, short cake cookies from someone's birthday, etc., etc. Don't want to bore you.
I need to throw out 8 pens that don't write, 5 broken tubes of lipstick, a cracked brush and the list goes on.(go back to the beginning of Christine's blog) A Mom in need of a life carried it with her....lol (used to be lots of love, now it's laugh out loud - hey, I didn't change it)
Final thought for the day. A purse that is crammed is a purse that is loved - hey just think when my daughter wants to borrow the blush, I have it!!!!
Hey, I'm thirsty! Ya got a beer in there?
Check out this flickr feed. What's in my purse photos:
hehe loved this! especially the Mary Poppins line! I find I kind of like the middle of the road one, with a good number of pockets! That way i can designate what is where and the clutter is at least segmented!
lol. That was great! So true. I've carry more of a messenger bag than a purse, but that being said there's always tons of weird crap in there.
Sometimes I really just want to run out the door, so I bought a purse that can only hold my wallet, keys, cell phone, and some chapstick. I love it!
i am late , but in love with what you wrote ! i feel liberated !!!! I am already emptying this big black cage aof a purse i have with me ...i am at my desk at work !!!LOL.thank you again !
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