Mishap #6
Life is not always rife with mishaps. Sometimes you have a run of luck. And of course, a lot of how you interpret things lies in your perception. Is your bag of luck half empty or half full?
I was lucky this Christmas in that I was able to snag a much-coveted Christmas item: a Nintendo Wii. My son was watching episode after episode of Super Mario Galaxy demos on YouTube, and the Wii was the only thing he truly craved for Christmas. If I hadn't been able to get one through a retail connection, he would've been fine with it, practical child that he is. But I wanted to get this for them... and admittedly, I really wanted to play Wii tennis myself.
If you know anything about the Wii, however, you know that the early days of the console were riddled with mishaps. In attempts to hit home runs, bowl strikes or knock out opponents in a virtual boxing ring, many people have inadvertently flung their Wii-motes into their televisions (sometimes smashing them), or into light fixtures, pets, friends, family members, and furniture.
In fact, there is a web site dedicated to this phenomenon. It's called Wii have a problem. Depending on one's sense of humor, mood or sleep schedule, you might find it hilariously funny or slightly macabre.
It does have some lessons for us, however. One could be: Don't drink and play the Wii. Or, Wiis and toddlers don't mix. Or, Remember, it's just a game -- BACK UP for heaven's sake!!!
I have hit my TV slightly, but there are no injuries to report yet.